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Kirk, Eugene Menippean Satire: an annotated catalogue of texts and criticism New York: Garland Pub., 1980

Alden, R.M. The Rise of Formal Satire in England under Classical Influence Philadelphia: 1899

AnonLa Satire en France ou la Littérature Militante an XVIem Siècle Paris: Hachette, 1866

Another edition: Geneva: Salheine, 1970.

J.V. Alter Les origins de la satire anti-bourgeoise en France Geneva: Droz 1966   

Arden, Heather Fools' Plays: A Study of Satire in the "Sottie." Cambridge, Eng., and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980

Arnould, Colette La Satire, une histoire dans L'Histoire Paris: PUF, 1996

Blanchard, Scott W. Scholar's Bedlam: Menippean Satire in the renaissance Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1995

Bloom, Edward A., and Lillian D. Satire's Persuasive Voice Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1979

Brant, Sebastian Ship of Fools (Narrenshiff) London: New Dover Publications, 1944

Saunders, Alison, ed. The Sixteenth Century Blason Poétique Bern: Lang, 1981

de Smet, Ingrid A. R. Neo-Latin Menippean Satire in the Low Countries of France 1580-1655 (Dissertation) Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1993

----------------------Menippean Satire and the Republic of Letters Geneva: Droz, 1996

Duval, Sophie La Satire (Littératures Français et Anglaise) Paris: Armand Colin, 2000

Fleuret, Fernand, and Louis Perceau Les Satires Françaises du XVIe Siècle. II Tomes Paris: Garnier, 1922

Floriani, P. Il Modello Ariostesco. La Satira Classicistica nel Cinquecento Rome: Bulzonni, 1988

Freundenburg, Kirk, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005

Gubernatis, A. de Storia delta Satira Milan: 1884

Kaiser, Walter Praisers of Folly: Erasmus, Rabelais, Shakespeare Londres: 1963

Kinch, Charles La Poésie Satirique de Clément Marot Paris: Boivin, 1940

Knight, CharlesThe Literature of Satire Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004

Lénient, Charles La Satire en France au Moyen Âge Paris: Hachette, 1977

Kirk, Eugene Menippean Satire: an annotated catalogue of texts and criticism New York: Garland Pub., 1980

Lenient La Satire Française en moyan âge 1977

Lestringant, Ménager, D. Etudes sur La Satyre Ménippée Geneva: Droz, 1987

Lewicka, Halina Etudes sur L'Ancienne Farce Française Paris: Klincksieck, 1974

Meippean Satire in the Republic of Letters Geneve: Librairie Droz, 1996

Meylan, Henri Epitres du Coq à l'Ane Geneva: Droz, 1956

Peck, D.C. (ed.) Newes from Heaven and Hell 1978

Pinson Yona The Fools' Journey: A Myth of Obsession in Northern Renaissance Art Tournhout: Brepols Publishers, 2008

Relihan, Joel C. Menippean Satire Baltimore, Londres: The John Hopkins University Press, 1993

Rose, Margaret A. Parody: Acient, Modern and Post-Modern Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993

Tucker, Samuel Marion Verse Satire in England before the Renaissance New York: 1908

Van Rooy, C.A Studies in Classical Satire and Related Literary Theory Leiden: Brill, 1966

Weinbrot, Howard Menippean Satire Reconsidered Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2005

Welsford, Enid The Fool: His Social and Literary History New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1935