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Reverses *=contributor or source; (...)=translation of title or work; [...]=relevant pages or chapter [These pages are under construction. Contributions are welcome and will be acknowledged. For details see here]
Agustin, Antonio Dialogos de Medallas Tarragona: Felipe Mey, 1587 --------------------------Dialoghi Intorno alle Medaglie Rome: Faciotti, 1592 --------------------------Discorsi Sopra le Medaglie Rome: Ascanio and Donangeli, 1592 Budé, Guillaume De asse et partibus eius libri quinque Venice: Aldus, September 1522 Only edition of the first book on ancient coinage, originally published in 1514. Chevalier, Nicholas Histoire de Guillaume III Amsterdam: 1692 de Choul, Guillaume Discours de la Religion des Anciens Romains Lyons: Guillaume Rouillé, 1556 --------------------------Discorso della Religione, Symeoni, trans. Lyons: Guillaume Rouillé, 1559 Enea, Vico Omnium Caesarum Verissimae Imagines ex Antiquis Numismatis Desumptae Venice: Aldo Manuzio, 1554 Erizzo, Sebastiano Discorso sopra le medaglie antiche Venice: 1559, 1568, 1571 (A Discourse on Antique Medals) Evelyn, John Numismata 1697 Freher, Marquard De numismate census Heidelberg, 1599 -----------------------De re monetaria veterum Romenorum London: 1605 Goltzius, Hubert Fastos Magistratuum Bruges, 1566 ------------------------Thesaurus rei antiquariae huberrimus Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1579 ------------------------Le vive imagini, Italian edition; and Images presque de tous les empereurs (French Edition). Antwerp: Egidius Coppens van Diest, 1557 (Italian) and 1561 (French) ------------------------Caesar Augustus Bruges, 1574 Gorlaeus, Abraham Thesaurus numismatum Romenorum Amsterdam: 1608 Jobert, le Pere Louis La science des medailles Paris: Lucas, David & Ricoeur, 1692 Landi, Costanzo Miscellanea explicationes Lyon: Honoratis and Racenius, 1560 Lastanosa, Vincencio Las medallas desconocidas españolas Huesca, 1645 Le Menestrier, Jean-Baptiste Medales [sic] illustrées des anciens Dijon: Pierre Palliot, 1642 Le Pois, Antoine Discours sur les medailles Paris: Mamert Patisson, 1579 Licetus, Fortunius Hieroglyphica Padua: Sardi, 1653 Luck, Jean Jacques Sylloge numismatum elegantiorum Argentinae: Reppianis, 1620 Menestrier, Claude Francois Science des medailles Lyon: 1694 -------------------------Histoire du Roy Louis le Grand par les Médailles Paris: I.B. Nolin, 1691 Second edition. First edition 1689. Occo, Adolf Imperatorum romanorum numismata, 1579 Second edition Augsburg: 'Ad insigne pinus', 1601 Orsini, Fulvio Imagines et Elogia Virorum Illustrium Rome: Antonio Lafreri and Petri Dehuchino, 1570 ---------------------------Familiae Romenae Rome: 1577 Ortelius, Abraham Deorum dearumque capital ex vetustis numismatibus Antwerp: Philipppe Gallé, 1572 Fifty-four plates represent antique effiges and divinities. Postel, Guillaume Linguarum duodecim characteribus introductio Paris, 1538 Rouille, Guillaume Promptuarium Iconum Insigniorum Lyons: Guillaume Rouillé, 1553 Features 820 medallion portraits. This was published simultaneously in Latin, French and Italisn versions in 1553. ----------------------------Promptuario de las medallas Lyon: 1561 Spanish translation by Juan Martin Cordero. --------------------------Prontuario de la Medaglie Lyons: Guillaume Rouillé, 1581 Simeoni, Gabriele Les Illustres Observations Antiques Lyons: De Tournes, 1558 Published simultaneously in Italian. Also describes Medals. Smids, Ludolf Emblemata Herioc Amsterdam: Oosterwyk and van de Gaete, 1712 32 plates, each with 2 medals. Spanheim, Ezechiel Dissertationes de Praestantia et usu Numismatum Antiquorum. Edition Secunda Amsterdam: Elsevirium, 1671 This is the second edition following the first of 1664 but more highly illustrated than that printing; the volume includes numerous in-text copper engravings depicting coins and monuments, at least one of which is signed, I. Wyngaerden. Strada, Jacobus Epitome Thesauri Antiquitatum Lyons: Thomas Guérin and Jean de Tournes, 1553 A second edition of the Latin in 1557. --------------------------Epitome du Thresor des Antiquitez Lyon: Thomas Guérin, 1553 Strada published the Epitome in two versions, Latin and French. ------------------------- Imperatorum Romenorum imagines Zurich: 1559 Vico, Enea Le imagini con tutti i reversi 1548 Italian, 1554 Latin -------------------------Discorsi sopra le medaglie, 1555 Another edition Venice: Giolito, 1558 Vredius , Olivarius Sigilla Comitum Flandriae Bruges: Jan van den Kerckhove, 1693 Compendium of seals of the Flemish nobility, from the ninth century to the time of publication. The most comprehensive work on the subject for 350 years. "Sigilla" were large seals, specific to individuals, used on official documents and title deeds. Waserus, Caspar, De antiquis nummis Zantani, Antonio Omnium Caesarum Verissimae Imagines Venice: Paolo Manuzio, 1554 Second edition of the Latin translation of Zantani's text. Previous edition in Italian 1548.