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Baldwin, William Beware the Cat 1533

The first English prose fiction.

Behn, Aphra Oroonoko 1688

1st professional female novelist

Cervantes, Miguel de Novelas Exemplares 1613

-----------------------Don Quixote 1605-1615

Congreve, William Incognita or Love and Duty Recociled Lodon: 1692

de la Fayette, Madame La Princesse de Cleves, 1678

Greene, Richard Dorastus and Fawnia (Original Title Pandosto) 1588

Giraldi , Cintho Giovanbattista De gli Hecatommithi Venice: Girolamo Scotto, 1566

Second edition.

Heliodorus Les Adventures amoureuse sic de Theagenes et Cariclee Paris: Tavernier, 1613

Painter, William Palace of Pleasure well furnished with pleasant histories and excellent novelles 1566

Rojas La Celestina Burgos: 1499

Original title was Comedia de Calisto y Melibea. Based on the earlier work of Juan Ruiz of Hita.

Sansovino, Francesco Cento Novelle Venice: Sessa, 1571

Scarron, Paul Roman Comique 1651-1663

Selva, Lorenzo Della metamorfosi cioè trasformatione del virtuoso Orvieto: Rosato Tintinnassi, 1582

First edition.

Sorel, Charles Le Berger extravagant 1627 

Satirical novel

Vallet, Pierre Les adventures amoureuses de Theagenes et Cariclee Paris: Author & G. Tavernier, 1613