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Anon Moniage Guillaume 12th century

--------------------------Moniage Rainouart 12th century

Both of these were chansons de geste or epic poems from the late Middle Ages

Ariosto, Ludovico Orlando Furioso 1516

Another edition ed. girolamo Ruscelli Venice: 1556

Barber, John The Brus 1570            

Scottish poem about Robert Bruce 

du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste (1544-1590) La Sepmaine ou Création du Monde 1578

One of the sources of Paradise Lost. Other editions Geneva 1581, Paris 1585

Boiardo, Mattea Maria Orlando Innamorato 1495

First Italian romantic epic.

------------------------Roland l'Amoureux Paris: Fouet, 1619

de Camoes, Luis Vaz Os Lusiados 1572

Epic poem on voyages of Vasco da Gama

Marino, Giambattista L'Adone Poema Heroico Paris: Thomas Jolly, 1678

de Ronsard Pierre La Franciade 1572

Epic poem on the kings of France

Strozzi, Giulio La Venezia Edificata poema eroicoVenice: Pinelli, 1624

Tasso, Torquato Discorsi del Poema Heroico 1594

------------------------Gerusalemme liberata Paris: Thomas Jolly, 1678

Epic poem about the Crusades. Earlier edition 1575 Another ed. Genoa: Castello, 1617.          

------------------------O Godfredo ou Hierusalem Libertada, Poema Heroyco... Lisbon: Miguel Deslandes, 1682

First part ed.

Tassoni, Alessandro La Secchia poema eroicomico d'Androvinci Melisone Parigi: Toussant Dubray, 1622

Trissino, Giangiorgio L'Italia liberata dai Goti 1547