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Dances of Death

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Anon Chorea ab eximio Macabro Paris: Marchant, 1486

(Dance by the excellent Macaber)

Anon Ars Moriendi Leipzig: Kachelofen, 1493

Another edition 1494. Another ed., Leipzig: Konrad Kachelofen, 1495/98. At least four editions by Kachelofen by 1498. Another ed., Venice, 1476; 1477; 1478; 1483; 1488; 1494; 1497; 1839;/5

Anon Ars Moriendi Incomincia El Prohemio della Arte del ben Morire Florence: Bartolomeo de'Libri, 1505-1501

Anon La dance macabre des femmes Paris: Tréperel, (after 1497)

Unique example

Anon La dance macabre des homes Paris: Veuve Tréperel (after 1511)

Unique example

La grande danse macabre des hommes et des femmes Troyes: Jean-Antoine Garnier, 1728

Anon La Danse Machabrey Paris: Varangue, 1589

Bellarmino, Roberto Cardinal De Arte Bene Moriendi Cologne: Blaeu, 1634

Combe, William The English Dance of Death, R. Ackermann 1814.

Dagley, Richard Death's Doings London: J. Andrews, 1827

Donne, John Deaths Duell Boston: David Godine, 1973

Drexel, J. Aeternitatus prodromus mortis nuntius Cologne: Peter Henning, 1629

Another edition, Cologne, 1633.

-----------------------Infernus damnatorum Cologne: Peter Henning, 1631

-----------------------The Forerunner of Eternitie or Messenger of Death, sent to Healthy, Sick and Dying Men 1642

le Févre, Jehan Respit de la Mort Paris; Lotrain, 7 Oct. 1533

Fortoul, Hippolyte La Danse des Morts Paris: Labitte 1842

Helinand of Froidmont Vado Mori c1200

Holbein, Hans Les Simulachres et histoirees faces de la Mort (Totentanz) Lyons: Trechsel, 1538

‘Holbein’s treatment of this subject matter has always been considered the most intellectually interesting and aesthetically distinguished example.’ (W. L. Gundersheimer ed. Dover, 1971)

------------------------Les images de la mort Lyon: J. Frellon, 1547

------------------------Icones Mortis Lyon: J. Frellon, 1547

------------------------Imagines Mortis Cologne: Birckmanni, 1567

----------------------The Dances of Death London: W. Smith: 1803

Another edition, London: Coxhead, 1816.

Illustrated by Wenceslas Hollar.

----------------------Der Todten-Tanz Munich: 1832

Another edition, Basel: Chez Maehli-Lamy, 1843. Another edition, Holbein Society, 1869.

Merian, M. Todten-Tanz Basel: ImHof, 1744

Another edition Frankfurt: Merian, 1696

Rustingh, Salomon van Het schouw-toneel des doods Amsterdam: ten Hoorn, 1707

Miot-Frochot La Grant Danse Macabre des Femmes Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1868

Sancta Clara, Abraham A De kapelle der dooden Amsterdam: Roman de Jonge, 1737

First edition Dutch translation. Original first appeared in Nuremberg, 1710
Amsterdam: J. Roman de Jonge, 1741

Valvasor, Johann Weichard Theatrum mortis humanae Salzburg: 1682

la Vigne, Chertablon de La Manière de se bien préparer à la mort Antwerp: Gallet, 1700

42 Copper plates. Second French edition. Dutch edition Jan Stichter, 1694