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Addison, Joseph Spectator LXII 1711

Anon/strong>, Gammer Gurton’s Needle c1552

Arena, Antonius de De bragardissima Villa de Soleriis Lyons: 1670

Most complete edition of one of the earliest collections of French macaronic poetry, celebrated for its valuable descriptions of notations of early Provençal dance.

Aretino, Pietro Ragionamento 1532-34

Letters 6 vols. 1537-1557

Berni, Francesco Burleschi

Bronzino, Agnolo (di Cosimo) Capitoli

Calmo, Andrea Le bizarre, faconde et ingeniose rime pescatorie Venice: Bescarini(?), 1559

Cervantes, Miguel de Don Quixote Madrid: del Cuesta, 1605 (1st volume)

Chaucer, Geoffrey Canterbury Tales: Nun’s Priest Tale c1387

Estienne, Henri Parodiae morales 1575

Folengo, Teofilo (1491-1544) Baldus Histoire Macaronique of Merlin 1517

A mock epic in the macaronic style. Written in a mixture of Latin and Italian. A parody of many aspects of contemporary life and inspiration for Rabelais. Five editions betwen 1517 and 1544. Another edition Venice: Imbertus, 1585.

------------------------Merlini Cocalii Venice: Pietro Ravani, 1554

Another edition, Venice: Giovanni Varisco, 1573.

------------------------Cocaius Merlinus Opus Macaronicorum Venice: Imbertus, 1585

Leopardi, Girolamo Capitoli e canzoni piacevoli Florence: Sermartelli, 1613

Nashe The Unfortunate Traveller

Oldradi, Angelo degli Capitoli piacevoli Roma: Valerio and Luigi Dorico, ca. 1550

Phillips, John Maronides or Virgil Travestie London: Nathanael Brooks 1672 & 1673

Prior, Matthew and Montague, Charles The Country and City Mouse 1687

A burlesque on Dryden's Hind and the Panther

Pulci, Luigi (1432 – 1484) Morgante Maggiore

A chivalrous poem in the burlesque style

Udall, Nicholas Ralph Roister Doister c1545

First English comedy

Vignali, Antonio La Cazzaria 1524

(The book of the cock) an obscene parody