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Bestiaries *=contributor or source; (...)=translation of title or work; [...]=relevant pages or chapter [These pages are under construction. Contributions are welcome and will be acknowledged. For details see here]
Aelian On the Characteristics of Animals trans. A. F. Scholfield Cambridge, Mass: 1958 Albert the Great, Man and the Beasts, de Animalibus (books 22-26) trans. J. J. Scanlan Binghamton: 1987 D' Ancona, M. Levi Lo Zoo del Rinascimento Lucca: 2001 Anon Physiologous Bernensis voll-Faksimilie Basel: Alkuin Verlag, 1964
Barber, Richard, trans. Bestiary: Being an English Version of the Bodleian Library, Oxford M.S. Bodley 764 Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 1993 Baxter, R. Bestiaries and their Users in the Middle Ages London: 1998 Beauvais, Pierre de A Medieval Book of Beasts: Pierre de Beauvais' Bestiary, Guy R. Mermier, trans. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press, 1992 An English translation of the Cambrai Bestiary. Beer, J. M. A. Beast of Love Toronto: 2003 Benton, J. R. The Medieval Menagerie, Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages New York: 1966 Carmody, F. J. ed. Physiologus Latinus: editions preliminaries, versio B Paris: 1939 Carmody, F. J. ed. Physiologus Latinus: editions preliminaries, versio Y Berkeley: 1944 Carmody, F. J. trans. Physiologus: the Very Ancient book of Beasts, Plants and Stones, San Francisco: 1953 Carroll, William Meredith Animal Conventions in English Renaissance Non-Religious Prose (1550-1600) New York: 1954 Carrega, A & Navone, P. eds. Le Proprieta degli animali Genoa: 1983 Cavallo, Adolfo S. The Unicorn Tapestries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York: H.M. Abrams, 1998 Ciccarese, M. P. Animali simbolici: alle origini del bestiario cristano Bologna 2002 Clark, W. B. trans. and ed. The Medieval Book of Birds: Hugh of Fouilloy's Aviarium Binghamton: 1992 Clark, S. B. & McMunn M. T. eds. Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages: The Bestiary and its Legacy Philadelphia, 1989 Clausen, Lucy W. Insect Fact and Folklore New York: Macmillan, 1954 Another edition, New York: Collier, 1962. Le Clerk, Guillaume The Bestiary of Guillaume le Clerk ed. G. C. Druce, 1936 Cohen, Simona Animals as Disguised symbols in Renaissance Art Leiden: Brill,2008 Coulter, Cornelia C. "'The Great Fish' in Ancient and Medieval Story." Transactions of the American Philological Society, LVII 1926: 32-50 Curley, M. J. Physiologus Austin and London: 1979 Davis, J. I. ed. Libellus de Natura Animalium, a Fifteenth Century Bestiary London 1958 D'Ayzac, Félicie "De la Zoologie Composite..." Revue de l'Art Chrétien, series 4, iv 1886: 13-36 Druce, G. C. "An Account of the ... Ant-Lion." The Antiquaries Journal, III 1923: 347-64 ----------------------"The Amphisbaena and its Connexions in Ecclesiastical Art and Architecture." Archeological Journal LXVII 1910: 285-317 ----------------------"The Elephant in Medieval Art." Archeological Journal, LXXVI 1919: 1-73 ----------------------"Some Abnormal and Composite Human Forms in English Church Architecture." Archeological Journal, LXXII 1915: 135-86 ----------------------"The Symbolism of the Crocodile in the Middle Ages." Archeological Journal, LXVI 1909: 3311-38
Duchaussoy, Jacques Le Bestiare Divin Paris: 1958 Einaudi, Guilio, ed. Bestiari Medieval. Parma: Patriche Editrice, 1987 Torino edition 1996. Eisler, C. T. Durer's Animals London: 1951 Flores, N. Ed. Animals in the Middle Ages, A book of Essays New York: 1996 Friedman, H. A Bestiary for Saint Jerome Washington DC: 1980 Friedman, John B and Jessica W. Wegman Medieval Iconocraphy: A Research Guide New York: Garland, 1988 Gotfredsen, Lise The Unicorn, Anne Born, trans. New York: Abbeville P., 1999 Grabm&muml;ller, Klaus Meister Esopus: Untersuchungen zur Geschicht und Funktion der Fabel im Mittelalter Zurich: 1977 Gubernatis, Angelo de Soological Mythology, 2 Volumes London: N.P., 1872 Hassig, D. Medieval Bestiaries; Text, Image, Ideology Cambridge: 1995 Hassig, D. ed. The mark of the Beast London: 1999 Houwen, L. A. J. R. ed. Animals and the Symbolic in Medieval Art and Literature Oxford: Oxford University Press by F. Hall, 1921 James, Montague Rhodes, described by A Peterborough Psalter and Bestiary of the Fourteenth Century Janson, H. W. Apes and Ape Lore in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance London: 1952 Jauss, H. R. Untersuchungen zur Mittelalterlichen Tierdichtung Tübingen: 1959 Jones-Davis, M. T. ed. Le monde animal au temps de la Renaissance London: 1976 Klingender, Francis Animals in Art and Thought to the End of the Middle Ages, Evelyn Antal and John Harthan, eds. London: 1972 Lewysohn, L. Die Soologie des Talmuds Frankfurt: 1858 Maspero, F. & Granato A. Bestiario medieval, Casale Monferrato: 1999 McCulloch, F. Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries Chapel Hill: 1962 McDermott, W. C. The Ape in Antiquity Baltimore: 1938 Miguel, Dom Pierre Dictionnaire Symbolique des Animaux Paris 1991 Morini, L. ed. Bestieri medievali, Parma 1987 and Turin 1999 Nigg, Joseph, ed. The Book of Fabulous Beasts: A treasury of Writings from Ancient Times to Present NY; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999 Robin, Ansell P. Animal Lore in English Literature London: J. Murray, 1932 Reprinted in 1983. Rowland, B. Animals with Human Faces London: 1974 Salisbury, J. E. The Beast Within   New York and London: 1994 Sbordone, F. Physiologus Milan: 1936 Schrader, J. L. A Medieval Bestiary New York: 1986 Shepherd, Odell The Lore of the Unicorn London: George Allen and Unwin, 1930 Another edition, London: 1942. South, Malcolm Mythical and Fabulous Beasts: A Source Book and Research Guide New York: Greenwood P, 1987 Steel, C. Guldentops, G. & Beullens, P. eds. Aristotle's Animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Leuven: 1999 Suhr, Elmer G. "Interpretation of the Unicorn." Folklore LXXV 1946: 91-109 Szovérffy, Joseph "Et Conculcabis Leonem et Dracone, Embellishments of Medieval Latin Hymns: Beasts in Typology, Symbolism, and Simile." Classical Folia, XVII 1963, no. 1, 1-4; no. 2, 66-82 Von Steiger, C. & Homberger, O. Phsyiologus Bernensis Basle, 1979 Walberg E. ed. Le Bestiaire de Philippe de Thaün Paris & Lund, 1900 White, Beatrice "Medieval Beasts." Essays and Studies, XVIII 1965: 35-44 Zimmer, Heinrich Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization New York: Pantheon, 1946