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Agrippa, Camillo Trattato di scienza d'arme Venice: Roberto Meglietti, 1604

Another edition Rome: Blado, 1553

Alexis, Guillaume Le Grand Blason des faulses amours Levet, 1486

       Other editions: Levet, 1489; Caillaut, 1490; Paris: Trepperel, 1495 and 1505-1515; Paris: Pierre Leuet 1489; Paris: Jehan Lambert, 1493; Mareschal and Chaussard, 1497; Lyon: 1501 and 1506; Paris: Jacques Nyverd, 1530; Rouen: Jeha Bruges, 1525; Paris: Richard, Mace, n.d.

Alticotio Commedia intitulata i cinque disperati Siena: Bart, 1524

Other editions: Venice: Marchio Sessa, 1526; Venice: Giovan-maria Pinardo, 1526

Anon Blason des couleurs c 1450

Anon Blasons de la goutte, de honneur, et de la quarte Lyon: Tournes, 1547

Bara, Hierome Le Blason des Armoiries Lyon: Barth, 1581

The first edition was published by Claude Ravot, Lyon, 1579.

Anon Sentences Morales Lyons: Rigaud, 1558

Anon Wappenbuch des Heiigen Romischen Munich: Berg, 1580

Birringucci, Vanoccio Le blason des armes Lyons: Claude, 1533?

Bolton, Edmund The Elements of Armories London: Eld, 1610

Bossewell, John Works of Armorie, devyded into three bookes entitled, the concords of armorie, the armorie of honor and of coates and crestes London: Richard Tottel, 1572

First edition. Incorporates material from Gerard Legh and from Alciato and Paradin.  Emphasis on the symbolic meanings of coats of arms with animal derivations from the bestiaries.  Second edition 1597

Brande, C. van den and family Geslaght Register van de Familie van Van den Brande Sedert die in Zeeland Sijn Gekomen 1572

Brechtel, J.S. Bayrischer Thurnier Geschlechter Register Regensburg: Euphrosine Muller, 1625

Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan de Declaración Mystica de las Armas Brussels: 1636

A mystic-symbolic defence of the coats of arms of the Spanish monarchy

Caxton, William The Dictates and Sayings of the Phil London: Elliot Stock, 1877

Coquillart, Guillaume Blason des armes et des dames 1484

de Rinaldi, Giovanni Il Mostrvosissimi Mostro Ferrara: 1584

Also appeared as Il Vago, et Dilettevole, Giardino Pavia: 1593 and Venice: Lucio Spineda, 1599. Deals with the iconology of colors and the symbolism of herbs and flowers.

-----------------------Significato dei Colori e de' Mazzoli Venice: Fulvio Pellegrino Morato 1599

-----------------------Trattato dei Colori delle Arme nelle Livree et nelle Divise Venice: Sicile 1599

Dolce, Ludovico Dialogo dei colori Venice: 1565

Estienne Homerici Centones Geneva: H. Estienne, 1578

Fraunce, Abraham Insignium, Armorum, Emblematum 1588

(Book of Arms Hieroglyphs, symbols and Emblems) 

Grand Pre Cesar Armorial Paris: Le Gras & Michel Bobin, 1654

Guillim, John A Display of Heraldrie 1610

At least 7 editions in 17th century. ‘The skill of Armory consisteth (of) Blazoning and Marshalling….Blazoning is the description of the Arms in apt and significant termes.’ Marshalling is the combination of the arms of husband and wife. Second edition, London: Richard Badger for Ralph Mab 1632.

Langlois, Pierre Discours des Hieroglyphes Aegyptiens, Emblemes, Devises & Armoiries. Aveques Plusieurs Interpretations des Songes et Prodiges Paris: Abel l'Angelier, 1584

Legh, Gerard The accedens of armorie London: Richard Tottel, 1568

Lycosthenes Apophthegmata Stoer, 1594

Menestrier, Claude-Francois Principes heraldiques ou du veritable art du Blason Lyons: 1631

Another edition, Lyons: Thomas Amaulry, 1677. Third edition Lyons: Coral, 1669

------------------------L'Arte du Blason Justifié, ou les Preuves du Veritable Art du Blason Lyons: Coral, 1661

------------------------Histoire du Roy Louis le Grand Paris: I.B. Nolin 1691

 Second edition (1st: 1689)

------------------------La Nouvelle Methode Raisonnee du Blason Lyons: Amaulry, 1696

------------------------Le véritable art du blason Paris: Estienne Michallet, 1674

Another edition Lyons: Bruyset, 1750

Milles, Thomas The Catalogue of Honor London: William Jaggard 1610

Morato, Pellegrino Significato dei Colori e de' Mazzoli Venice: Agostino Bindoni, 1558

Another edition Venice: 1599.

Prade, Jean Le Royer Le trophée d'armes héraldiques Paris: Nicolas & Jean de la Coste, 1659

Third edition. First edition 1650.

Schmid, Samuel Heinrich and de Vries, Simon De Doorlughtige Weereld Amsterdam: Halma/van Oosterwijck 1700            

Three volumes

Schmid Samuel Heinrich Die durchl. Welt. Hamburg: Schiller, 1701

Scohier, Jean L'estat et comportement des armes Brussels: Mommart, 1597

First edition

Segoing, Charles Mercure armorial Paris: Francois Clovsier, 1652

Second edition

Sicillo Trattato de i colori delle arme nelle Livree et nelle Divise Venedig: Nicolino, 1565

Another ed. Venice: 1599

Stobaeus , Johannes Sententiae Zurich: Christopher Froschauer, 1543

------------------------Eclogarum Libri duo Antwerp: Plantin, 1575

Tesauro, Emmanuele Il cannochiale aristotelico Venice: Curti, 1678

‘Coats of Arms are metaphors expressed on a shield signifying some action or hereditary conceit of a family.  Now with figures in a kind of simple hieroglyph, now with colors properly called devises.’

Tyas , Robert Flowers and Heraldry London: Houlston and Stoneman, 1851

Wirri , H. Ordenliche Beschreybung der Fürstlichen Hochzeyt Augsburg: Ulhart, 1568

Yorke, James The Union of Honour London: Griffin, 1640