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Apophthegmata *=contributor or source; (...)=translation of title or work; [...]=relevant pages or chapter [These pages are under construction. Contributions are welcome and will be acknowledged. For details see here]
Alberti, L.B. Sentenze 1462 An exposition of the Aurea Dicta of Pythagoras Allott, Robert Wits Theatre of the Little World London: Nicholas Ling, 1599 --------------------Politeuphia, 1597 --------------------Wits Treasury, 1598 --------------------England's Parnassus London: 1600 --------------------Wisedoms Pallace, 1604 Anon Apophthegmata Patrum 4th Century Sayings of the Christian fathers, a collection of monastic writings by early Christian writers also often known as the ‘Sayings of the Desert Fathers.’ Anon Fiore de Virtu Venice: Metheo Capcasa, 1493 The only known example of a work of this kind. Only known copy of this edition. This is the third of five editions on hand by Matteo Capcasa. There was a preceding edition of 14 July 1492 and a following edition of 3 June 1493. Anon Florilegium gallicum Anon Florilegium Anglicum Extracts from about 40 ancient authors in alphabetical order Anon Gesta Romanorum before 1300 Deeds of the Romans first printed 1472-1475 in Cologne 1st English Edition was in 1510 printed by Wynkin de Worde based on different group of manuscripts.
Aristotle Sententiae Paris: Marnef, 1558 Bacon, Francis Apophthegmes new and old London: Barret and Whitaker, 1625 First Ed. ‘Apophthegmes serve not for pleasure only and ornament but also for action and business’. From the Advancement of Learning: Bk II Ch XII Barcklay, Sir Richard The Felicitie of Man London: 1598 Baldwyn Treatise of Morall Philosophie London: 1549 A collection of Sententiae. 24 Editions between 1549 and 1640. du Bartas Sepmaines 1584 Jesuit book of spiritual sayings illustrated with pictures Becon, Thomas Anthologia Lactantii Lyons: Baudin, 1558 Boaistuau, Pierre Theatrum Mundi 1566 Another edition London 1581 English translation by John Alday 1574 Baude, Henri Dictz moraulx pur faire tapisserie end 15th century (Moral Sayings with which to make Tapistry) It combined a picture with a moral poem, the different elements of the whole giving different glosses on the proverb. Binet, Etienne Essais de merveilles de nature 1638 Jesuit book of spiritual sayings illustrated with pictures Bodenham, John Belvedere 1600 A commonplace book Brusoni, Lucio Facetiarum exemplorumque Basle 1559 <1560 edition ----------------------Rerum memorabolium Francofurti: Stein, 1600 Capilupi, Lelio Centones ex Virgilio Rome: Doricus, 1555 Centos praising the popes and addressing the political events of the time Camden, William Remaines concerning Britaine London, 1605 First edition. A lighthearted manual containing expositions and lists of proverbs, devises, epigrams and other genres as they particularly concerned the British. For a copy of Gruter’s collection of proverbs see below.
Capilupi, L. Cento Vergilianus Zürich: Froschauer, 1546 Caxtons The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers 1477 This was supposedly the first dated book printed in England by Caxton in 1477, a translation of the Dits Moraulx des Philosophes, which incorporated quotations from classical philosophers and was a translation of an Arabic original, made by Guillaume de Tignonville at the turn of the 15th Century. The English translation was made by Earl Rivers, the brother in law of King Henry IV. Corrozet Hecatomgraphie 1540 An emblem book subtitled contenans plusieurs appophthegmes proverbes, Sentences & dictz
Dallington, Robert Aphorismes, Civil and Militarie London: Robert Allot, 1629 Domenico, Mirabelli Polyanthea Venezia, 1507 Second edition. First edition Savona, 1503
Egenolff, Christian Anthologia Gnomica Frankfurt: S. Feyerabend, 1579 Elviden, Edmund The closet of counsels 1569 Two books of sentences and anecdotes
Modelled on Plutarch’s Apophthegmata Laconica this was edited by Lycosthenes, the rather pretentious Latinized penname of Conrad Zwinger, and this latter version was used widely in Renaissance schools. See: Manutius, Paulus Apophthegmatum Venice: Zenari, 1583 - revision of Erasmus' Apophthegmata -------------------------Apophthegmatum libri octo Cologne: Ioannes Gymnicus, 1538 ------------------------De Copia 1512 How to construct a commonplace book. Another edition Horst, 1559 Estienne, Henry Apophthegmes des prince et de rois 1568 Also a Latin edition of the same year. Mostly apophthegms from Plutarch and Diogenes Laertius. ------------------------Anthologia Gnomica 1569 ------------------------Anthologia Gnomica Frankfurt: Corvinum, 1579 ------------------------Comicorum Graecorum sententiae, id est gnomai Geneva: Estiene, 1569 ------------------------Parodiae Morales 1575. ------------------------Sentences des Comiques grecs 1575 ------------------------Virtutum encomia H. Stephanus, 1573 A common book with blank pages Farnaby, Thomas Index Poeticus 1646 Gives a selection of books suitable for use in classrooms including a dozen Emblem books. Fiston, William The wellspring of wittie conceites London: 1584 Fenne, Thomas Fennes Frutes London: 1590 Foxe, John (1516- 1587) locorum communium tituli 1557 A commonplace book. Foxe was best known for his Book of English Martyrs: Day, 1563 Garimberto, Hieronimo Concetti Venice: Domenico Farri, 1567 A very popular C16 commonplace book Gesta Romanorum Augsburg: Anton Sorg, 1487 Giraldi, Giambatista Cinzio Escatommiti 1565 Italian collection of moral and love tales Greek Anthology see Epigrams Greene, Robert The Royal Exchange 1590 Grosnez, Pierre Motz Dorez A Collection of ballads, proverbs, distichs and other forms Gruter, Jan Florilegium ethicopoliticum Frankfurt 1610-1612 Collection of proverbs copied in English by Camden see Camden above Haechthanus, Laurentius Mikrokosmos 1579 The basis of some of Peachams emblems. Harsdorffer, G.P Frauenzimmer Gesprachspiele 1642 A multivolume work describing social activities of the time including games involving emblems. At least 13 editions--the last in 1772 a translation into German and Dutch. A book of aphorisms and riddles. Hibernia Thomas of, Manipulus Florum or Flores Doctorum Antwerp: Johannes Bellerus, 1576 The original manuscript has been lost was completed in 1306 and it is now recognized that John Waleys had no part in it. The earliest manuscripts which survive (in the Bibliotheque Nationale) are B.N. lat. 15986 and B.N. lat. 15985 This was a collection of sayings of the church fathers and classical authors. It was used by Quarles as a source for material for his emblem book. See Rouse and Rouse *CLN
Reissued in 1541 and 1544. Contains the cento of the Empress Eudocia. Now, according to Renousard, 'infinitely rare and precious'. Homeric Centos Henry Estienne, 1578 In addition to the cento of the Empress Eudocia this includes the Virgilian cento of Proba, a Greek paraphrase of the Gospel of St. John by the Egyptian Nonnus and, in come copies, proverbial phrases extracted from Homer Laertius, Diogenes De Vitis, dogmatis and apophthegmatis Geneva: Estienne, 1570
Many editions including English
Another edition, Lyons: 1604; Frankfurt: 1607; Geneva: 1608 Ling, Nicholas Politeuphuia: Wits Commonwealth London: 1597 Published by John Bodenham Loinus, Johannes Gnomologiae, sive sententiae collectaneae, et similia Demosthenes Basilea: 1552 Lycosthenes Apophthegmata Basle: 1555 London and Paris editions in 1579 but see also Erasmus. Manuzio, Paolo. Apophthegmatum Venice: Manutius, 1577 Marbecke, John A Book of Notes and Commonplaces London : 1581 Menage, Gilles Menagiana Amsterdam: Harrevelt, 1762 Another edition Paris: Pieree Delaulne, 1694 Meres, Francis Palladis Tamia 1598 The second part of Wits Commonwealth; a commonplace book with quotations and similitudes from 125 English writers, published by John Bodenham. Meursius, J. Miscellanea Laconica Utrecht, D. van Ackersdyck, 1663 Mirabelli, Nani Polyanthea Venice, 1507 First edition 1503. Mirandula Flores Poets 1566 A collection of extracts from a wide variety Latin authors. Mishnah Sententiae [bound with] Ben Sira Sententiae morales Allgäu: Fagius, 1541-2 De Montagnone Hierenias Compendium moralium notabilum (1300 –1310) Compilation of sayings, fables and proverbs Printed in 1505. Munday, Anthony Belvedere 1597 Published by John Bodenham Parinchef, John An extracte of examples 1572
Henri Estienne's collection of centos Paulet, William The lord marques idleness London: 1586 Peacham, Henry Garden of Eloquence 1577 and 1593 Pellegrini, Carlo Museum Historico-legale Bipartitum 1665 An encyclopaedia of the Music of the Spheres Petrus, Lombardus Sententiarum Libri IIII, Iohannes Aleaume, ed. Paris: Audoenus Parvus, 1557 Platt, Sir Hugh Manuale Sententias London: 1594 ed. Neander Plutarch Apophthegmata Geneva: Estienne, 1568 Poliziano, A. Detti piacevoli 1482 Potocki, Waclaw Moralica aboRzeczy ms. 1694-6 Moralia or Maxims from Latin or Polish parables Posselius Apophthegmata ex Plutarcho Wittenberg: 1595 Another edition Frankfurt: 1616 Proba, Valeria Virgiliocentones Venice: Benalius, c1510 The principal work of the famous Roman poetess bringing together Roman poetry with Christian Bible texts. Pythagoras and others Poemata Pythagorae 1539 ed. Neander A collection of the sayings of many Greek authors including the Carmina Aurea of Pythagoras ---------------------- Aurea Pythagoreorum carmina Paris: heirs of Guillaume Morel, 1585 Hierocles of Alexandria. Commentarius in aurea Pythagoreorum carmina. Greek text and Latin translation by Joannes Curterius.
Second edition. 1543. Edited by Rabelais; translated by others.
Another edition. 1579. Used as a basis for Whitney’s Emblems See Whit 243 ---------------------Symbolorum imperatorium 1588-1602 A collection of extracts, adages and sayings associated with the Roman Emperors.
First of French Jesuit books which consisted of a series of spiritual truths illustrated by pictures. In the ecphrastic and emblematic tradition -----------------------La Peinture spirituelle 1611 (B) Robson, Simon The choise of change London 1585 Ruland, Martin Synonyma, seu, Copia verborum graecorum Lyons: Lertout, 1585 Ronsseus, Balduinus De hominis primordiis centones Louvain: Bergainge, 1559 Centos describing the human body
------------------------Maria Flos Mysticum 1629 Two books about the bird and flower symbols associated with the Virgin Mary and the source for Hawkins emblem book Partheneia Sacra Scaliger, Catalecta Virgilii et vetorum Poetarum 1573 Scaliger has been described by one commentator as ‘perhaps the greatest scholar of all time’. The Catalecta of Virgil were a selection of short pieces in different metres. Shirley, John The Triumph of Wit London: N. Boddyngton, 1707 First edition 1688. Eighth edition 1724 Sandaeus Theologica Symbolica Mainz: Schoenwettii, 1626Sandford, James The Garden of Pleasure 1573 A translation of the work of Lodovico Guicciardini Schott, Andreas Adages Antwerp: Plantin, 1612 A translation of the proverbs of Diogenianus of about 100 AD Stobaeus more Volume 1 Books 1 and II – Eclogues Libri duo: Quorum prior Physicas, posterior Ethicas complectitur; Antwerp: Plantin, 1575 First edition of the Eclogues translated into Latin by Wilhem Canter, from a manuscript in the library of the Hungarian humanist, Joannes Sambuchus and a manuscript of Sirlet J. Stobaei Sermones Leipzig: 1797 Edited by N. Schow Eclogarum physicarum et ethicarum libri duo Gottingen: Heeren, 1792 – 1801 Printed in Greek and Latin Florilegium Oxford Clarendon Press, 1822 4 volumes, edited by Thomas Gaisford Florilegium Leipzig: Kühn, 1823-24 A reprint of the previous edition Greek, edited by Thomas Gaisford to which has been added Lectiones Stobaeeenses Jena: 1827 edited by Jacobs with a letter to Aug. Meineke Eclogarum physicarum et ethicarum libri duo Oxford: Parker, 1850 2 volumes, edited by Thomas Gaisford Florilegium Leipzig: Tauchnitz 1858 3 volumes Florilegium Leipzig: Teubner, 1860-64 4 volumes edited Aug. Meineke Volume 2 Books 3 and 4 - Sentences Apophthegmata Rome: Mazochium, 1517 1st Latin translation by Varinus Camers, the tutor of Pope Leo X. Collectiones Sententiarum Venice: Zanetti, 1535 Editio Princeps. Printed in Greek, with a Greek title Eclogai apophthegmaton ed. Victor Trincavello. All commentators say that this edition is full of errors. Sententiae Zurich: Froschauer, 1543 Printed in Greek and Latin, trans. by Conrad Gessner Sententiae Basle: Froschauer, 1549 Printed in Greek and Latin. Graesse says this edition is by Oporinus. 2nd (?) edition of Gessner’s trans. Apparently Gessner had obtained the Mendoza ms (see Arnott below) by this time but did not profit from it in correcting the errors of his previous edition. Scharpffsinniger Sprüche Basle: Oporinus, 1551 1st German trans. Sententiae Paris, Juvenem, 1552 1st French printing of Gessner's trans. Sententiae Lyons: Gryphius, 1555 2 vols of Gessner’s trans. dated 1553 Sententiae Paris: Juvenem, 1557 2 books in 1 volume Sententiae Paris: Perler, 1557 Sententiae Paris: Cavellat, 1557 Sententiae ex thesauris Graecorum delectae Zurich: Froschauer, 1559 Greek and Latin edition. Third edition of Gessner’s trans. Loci Communes Frankfurt: Wechel, 1581 Greek and Latin. Another edition of Gessner’s trans. In both this and the following edition the sentences of Stobaeus are intermingled with those of Melissa, a Greek monk, whose collection resembles the Stobaeus. Sentences and Sermones Geneva: 1609 Graesse says this edition is Lyons: Frellon, 1608 though there may be two editions. Combined Volumes 1 and II Stobaei sententiae Geneva: Fabro, 1609 First edition to reunite both volumes. The Eclogues are copied from Antwerp 1575 and the Sentences from Frankfurt 1581. Ioannis Stobaei Anthologium Berlin: Wachsmuth-Hense, 1884-1912 5 vol. (critical edition) Extracts Senarii Graecanici quingenti Antwerp: Knoblouch, 1515 Greek and Latin. Extracts from Stobaeus. According to Brunet an ‘opuscule’, a small work. Senarii proverbiales Antwerp: Knoblouch, 1521 Greek and Latin, another edition Sententiae ex Stobaeo c1530 Recorded in Adams as having a ‘Running Headline’ with 85 folios Gnomologia Graeco-Latina Basle: Oporinus, 1557 Excerpts edited by Michael Neander
Excerpts edited by Michael Neander – possibly a reprint of the previous edition. Dicta Poetarum Paris: Buon, 1623 Greek, extracts from Stobaeus, Plutarch and Basil the Great edited by Grotius Les Apophtegmes Paris: Billaine, 1664 Collection of Apophthegms including Stobaeus translated by Nicolas Perrot
A popular Latin grammar ------------------------Epitheta 1518 A compilation like Stobaeus. One of the most universally scoured linguistic resources of the 16th Century’ (M 172 Ftnte). Another edition, Paris: 1580. Theognis Sententiae Graecolatinae Leipzig: Schurer, 1603 Topsell, Edward The history of four footed beasts and serpents 1658 A compilation of animal symbolism in 3 volumes of which the 3rd was written by T. Muffet. Topsell also wrote The Fowles of Heaven or History of Birdes. The first printed edition of Topsell's manuscript of 1613-14, was not published until 1972. Topsell covered birds whose names begin with the letters A, B, and C. He never finished the manuscript, and was also unable to procure funding to have it published. Udall, Nicholas Floures for Latin Speaking 1533 Subtitled ‘Gathered from Terence’ Valerius Maximus, Gaius Facta et dicta memorabilia Paris: Symonel, 1475
------------------------Moralium exemplorum libri novem Venice: Bindoni & Pasini, 1546
Resurrected dialectic/rhetoric as opposed to logic Vaughan, Sir William The Golden Grove of civill discourses London: 1600 Second edition London: 1608 Whetstone, George An Heptameron of civil discourses London: 1582 Whichcote, Benjamin Several Discourses: Moral and Religious Aphorisms 1703 Whichcote is considered to be the father of the Cambridge Platonists Wrednot, William Palladis Palatium The Fourth London: Burton 1604 Zwinger, Theodor Theatrum Humanae Vitae 1565
Part of Wits Commonwealth